Educational Animal Sorting Games

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Educational Game for Kids and Toddlers to Learn Different Animal Habitats


Take your child's learning experience to a whole new level with our colorful and easy to use animal sorting game. Not every child learns the same, but every child still needs to learn. Our animal games for kids brings learning and fun into your home so your child will gain the education you strive for


The animal classification system could be a difficult task to learn for some children. Our animal sorting game was made for every child in mind so no matter the learning style, we have you covered. Our animal homes game is colorful and easy to take on as a challenge for our little ones, and you can rest assured your child is learning while having fun


Any child would love to play with anything fun and colorful - add educational benefits and you just earned yourself mom of the year! Mommas will love the thoughtfulness put into a gift like our educational game for kids, and will love when their kids find learning fun! Our animal sorting activity will be loved for generations

Game Ideas



to practice vocabulary related to body parts of animals and the sounds they make



let the little player choose few animal flashcards and ask the child to show animals eyes, noses, tails etc. Then ask the child to answer «YES» or «NO» questions like: «Does the kitten have nose ?», «Does the elephant have wings?», «Does the monkey have wings?»



to introduce the concept of the opposite words in meaning to one another



a wolf is strong, but a squirrel is… (weak). An elephant is big, but a bunny is … (small). A fox has a long tail, but a bear has… (a short tail)



to practice an ability to categorize animals according to their characteristics



put the flashcards in front of the little player the following way: four animal flashcards are related to a particular habitat, but the fifth card is related to another. Ask the child to study the image sand name the animals. Then ask the child to find the odd one



to introduce positional and directional words «on the right», «on the left», «next to», «in front of», «behind», «above», «below»



show the flashcards to the child and ask to choose a habitat for them. Then point at the animal, e.g. an elephant, and ask questions: «What is on the right of the elephant?», «What is on the left of the elephant?», «What kind of animal is above/below?»



to practice the pronunciation of sounds, to develop speech breathing



show the flashcard with a dog. «What is this?» (the little player replies). «A big dog barks loudly woof-woof, and a small dog barks quietly woof-woof» (the little player pronounces sentences 3-4 times). «What is this ? This is a cow. How does a big cow moo? Loudly! And how does a small cow moo?». The adult player shows other animals to practice the activity



to practice vocabulary related to animals, to teach kids to find animals according to their description, to practice attention, memory, mind



the adult player asks to find an animal according to its description


Choose a game board (habitat): a farm, a forest, an ocean, a jungle

Find animals appropriate for each habitat and place them on a game board using velcro stickers

Share some details about an animal and ask the child to name the animal: the sounds it makes, the food it eats and where it lives

Make the game more interesting by placing appropriate animals on a habitat board and add one or two animals of another habitat, e.g. place forest animals and a giraffe on a forest board. Ask the little player to identify "the stranger" and to explain the choice

Guidelines for parents

While playing always use positive reinforcement, emotive words, various timbre of voice when showing different characters

Teach the little learner to finish an activity. If you notice that he/she is no longer interested in the assignment, finish it yourself but with the kids hand. Then compliment the child and let him/her go. It motivates assiduity.

Always remember to make the conclusion of the activity. Compliment the child for the great job he/she has done. Let the child know you are proud of him/her even if you haven’t done everything you’ve planned. You will make more progress next time

If you have such play time regularly (e.g. twice a week or more if the kid is interested), you will notice the progress. Even if the child is still little, with consistent plays he/she will soon get the rules and complete the task. The attention span and assiduity will improve, and he/she will learn to follow through the task and will definitely enjoy new assignments


The Game helps kids to improve and develop


Velball skills




Visual perception


Problem-solving skills


Shape & color perceptions


Soft motor skills

About Me


Darya Paulava

Speech therapist

My “AHA!” Moment! For as long as I can remember, I have always loved creating and inventing new things. One afternoon while conducting a speech therapy class, I found myself thinking it would be great if I tweaked the concept of a game I regularly played with my students to make it more interesting, immersive, and fun! I thought, “What if I were to add a material like Velcro and additional storylines to the game?” In my experience as a mother of two and someone who has worked in the field of Early Childhood Development my entire adult life, all children love the texture, sound, and peel-and-stick nature of Velcro. Additionally, the alternating storylines allow the children to develop their creativity and introduces a multi-faceted approach to learning. This is how the idea for my game ‘ANMIMAL HOMES’ was born! I decided to try my new game concept during my speech therapy classes. I found that all my children, from the smallest child with speech peculiarities to the older children with more acute learning disabilities, absolutely loved the new twist I had put on the game. The educational-progress results for all age groups were amazing! Not only were my students delighted with the game, but my friends and clients who have children wanted to know where they could buy the game I had created, based on the positive results they were seeing from my speech therapy sessions! ANIMAL HOMES is a unique creative-development game for children ages 3+, and lays the foundation for early speech and cognitive development. The game is an excellent tool, designed for educators to complement their existing repertoire of teaching methodologies and to provide new methods of stimulating speech development in a fun and immersive learning environment. As a mother and educator, my mission is to facilitate the learning process through fun and innovative mediums for millions of children just like the ones I currently serve in my classroom.

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